I’m beavering away – I promise!
I’ve finished a couple of games recently, and while I work on the reviews, I thought I’d throw out this quick post to let you know I’m still doing stuff! I’m trying to find a way to format the reviews so that they are still reviews, but without an in-your-face cliché review scale. They’ll be graded, but in an ACKoG kind-of way.
The first game I finished was GRAVEL – a really neat arcade rally racer that I enjoyed enough to write about. Is it a perfect game? No. But it’s a solid racing choice for A Certain Kind of Gamer, absolutely. Here’s some screenshots to tide you over – the review will come around soon enough!
The second game I finished was the PC version of ENSLAVED: Odyssey to the West. I really dug the game the first time around on the Xbox 360, but my second play-through on PC was even better. As a game that puts a major focus on the story, it’s damned near perfect. Interactive fiction done completely right.
Keep an eye out for the reviews in the coming week!